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Partnership Roadmap

A tool for developing, strengthening, and sustaining community partnerships.

This roadmap includes five conditions for a successful partnership: common agenda, mutually reinforcing activities, shared measurement, continuous communication, and backbone support. These conditions are based on the Collective Impact framework, developed by FSG. For the purposes of the Young Adult Diversion initiative, funding has been added as a sixth condition.

Although these conditions provide a roadmap for partnerships, each partnership may be in a different place. Some partnerships may need to start at the very beginning with developing a common agenda. Others may need to focus on just one or two of the conditions—or one or two steps associated with a specific condition—while maintaining the conditions already in place. Partnerships should, therefore, first review the conditions and determine which ones match their current needs. Each condition includes several activities, and, for each activity we provide a curated list of tools.

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Common Agenda

"It starts with a common agenda. That means coming together to collectively define the problem and create a shared vision to solve it."

- What is Collective Impact, Collective Impact Forum/FSG, 2014


Below are the activities that support this condition. Click on an activity name to view tools that will help with implementation.

Community Tool Box: Developing Vision and Mission Statements PDF

This link leads to a downloadable two-page Word template that provides instructions for developing vision and mission statements and includes space to capture brainstorming notes. See also the “Main Section” tab along the top for more information and the "Checklist" tab for a summary list of key concepts related to developing vision and mission statements.

Source: Center for Community Health and Development, University of Kansas, n.d.

Construction r2p Partnership Toolkit: Section 3 – Develop a Shared Vision, Mission, and Goals PDF

This 23-page resource outlines processes and provides tools for developing a partnership vision, mission, goals and objectives, and an action plan and agreement. In Tool 3-A, partners complete three steps to determine a vision statement, including discussing a series of reflection questions and reviewing the vision at two separate meetings. Tool 3-B helps partners streamline the vision into a mission statement and provides criteria for reviewing the statement.

Source: The Center for Construction Research and Training, 2015
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Seacoast Youth Leadership Project: Logic Model PDF

This example logic model provides relevant background information (situation statement, external factors, assumptions, barriers); an inputs, outputs, and outcomes chart; and a concise evaluation plan.

Source: University of New Hampshire, Cooperative Extension, n.d.

Developing Your Logic Model: Worksheet PDF

This 10-page worksheet guides users through the process for creating a program or process logic model in seven steps with guiding questions to help clarify goals and needs. Responses to the questions can be compiled in the logic model template provided at the end of the worksheet.

Source: SAMHSA’s Center for the Application of Prevention Technologies, n.d.

Logic Model Workbook PDF

This 25-page comprehensive workbook describes how to use logic models for program evaluation and presents step-by-step guidance for developing key components of a logic model, along with relevant activities, resources, and examples. It also includes a link to an online logic model builder that aligns with the workbook components and is accessible by users with a free registration. The appendix includes a logic model template and an outcomes chain template to connect shorter-term, intermediate, and longer-term outcomes.

Source: Innovation Network, 2010
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Community Toolbox: Action Plan Form WEBSITE

This tool offers a simple matrix for developing an action plan that identifies the action step, partner responsible, completion date, resources and support needed, potential challenges, and a communication plan. It can also be downloaded as a one-page Word template. Other tools on the page include tips for successful action plans and guidance for conducting planning processes.

Source: Center for Community Health and Development, University of Kansas, n.d.

Reentry Education Toolkit: Action Planning Worksheet for Implementing a Reentry Education Continuum PDF

This four-page tool offers a template for identifying priorities and corresponding strategies for implementing the Reentry Education Framework, which could be adapted as an action plan for other partnership initiatives. For each plan item, the template includes fields for describing strategies and activities, evaluation metrics, stakeholder assignments, and a timeline.

Source: U.S. Department of Education, n.d.

Strategic Planning Toolkit for Communities PDF

This 30-page toolkit provides users with a four-step process to develop a strategic plan for youth violence prevention that starts with building partnerships and raising awareness and moves to gathering and using data to inform strategies, writing the plan, and implementing the plan. Each step includes information, activities, checklists, and resources for creating a strategic plan.

Source: The National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention, 2012
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Mutually Reinforcing Activities

"[Collective impact] fosters mutually reinforcing activities. That means coordinating collective efforts to maximize the end result."

- What is Collective Impact, Collective Impact Forum/FSG, 2014


Below are the activities that support this condition. Click on an activity name to view tools that will help with implementation.

Sample Results-Based Partnership Agreement (or MOU) for Collective Impact and Place-Based Initiatives WEBSITE

This sample partnership agreement includes an introduction, timeframe, partner roles and responsibilities, and space for signatures.

Source: Clear Impact, 2015

Career Pathways Toolkit: An Enhanced Guide and Workbook for System Development, Element One: Build Cross-Agency Partnerships and Clarify Roles PDF

This 61-page toolkit outlines key considerations for establishing cross-agency partnerships to support career pathways and includes tools for identifying key partners and mapping partner resources. See the "Asset Map Worksheet" and "Pre-Partnership checklist" for guidance on selecting partners to engage and the "Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Template" for a sample partnership agreement.

Source: Manhattan Strategy Group for the U.S. Department of Labor, October 2016
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Reentry Education Toolkit: Reentry Resource Mapping Tip Sheet PDF

This one-page tip sheet provides users with a basic overview of resource mapping, describes how resource maps can range in comprehensiveness, and lists the essential data to be included in all resource maps.

Source: U.S. Department of Education, n.d.

Interactive Reentry Services Map WEBSITE

This interactive webpage provides an example of a resource map for reentry services in Pennsylvania. The map is organized by county and allows users to select services (e.g., employment, transportation, parole) to display by county. Selected services appear on the map in their actual locations with more details available by hovering over the service icon.

Source: Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, n.d.

Career Pathways Toolkit: An Enhanced Guide and Workbook for System Development—Element One: Build Cross-Agency Partnerships and Clarify Roles PDF

This 61-page toolkit outlines key considerations for establishing cross-agency partnerships to support career pathways and includes tools for identifying key partners and mapping partner resources. See the “Asset Map Worksheet” and “Pre-Partnership checklist” for guidance on selecting partners to engage and the “Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Template” for a sample partnership agreement.

Source: Manhattan Strategy Group for the U.S. Department of Labor, October 2016
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Essential Tools: Community Resource Mapping WEBSITE

This guide provides a four-step process for resource mapping to promote interagency collaboration to better align programs and services for youth and families.

Source: Kelli Crane and Marianne Mooney, TransCen, Inc., for the National Center on Secondary Education and Transition (NCSET), 2005
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Shared Measurement

"[S]hared measurement…means agreeing to track progress in the same way, which allows for continuous improvement."

- What is Collective Impact, Collective Impact Forum/FSG, 2014


Below are the activities that support this condition. Click on an activity name to view tools that will help with implementation.

The Six Core Principles of Improvement WEBSITE

This blog post briefly defines six principles of program improvement and provides links to articles and other resources to guide continuous improvement and evaluation processes, including the plan-study-do-act cycle.

Source: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, n.d.

Quality Measures: Partnership Effectiveness Continuum PDF

This tool summarizes the principles of effective partnerships and provides a self-assessment (pages 9–14) for partners to rate their levels of effectiveness on a set of indicators and criteria for each principle (vision, leadership, communication, accountability, system alignment, and response to local context).

Source: Cheryl L. King, Education Development Center, 2014

Reentry Education Toolkit: Self-Assessment for Determining Readiness for Implementing a Reentry Education Continuum PDF

This self-assessment takes users through a series of reflection questions to support reentry education program implementation. The "Strategic Partnerships" section includes nine questions to review the status of partnerships and their effectiveness.

Source: U.S. Department of Education, n.d.

Guide to Evaluating Collective Impact WEBSITE

This webpage includes a brief introduction, recorded webinar (90 minutes), and downloadable report on how to evaluate the collective impact conditions. It is based on continuous learning principles and offers a framework for performance measurement. Part 3 of the guide includes sample evaluation questions, indicators, and outcomes.

Source: FSG, n.d.
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Career Pathways Toolkit: Element Six—Measuring System Change and Performance PDF

Templates 3–4 focus on components of an evaluation plan, including program evaluation, system evaluation, and indicator development. Component 6.3 details how to collect and use data for program improvement.

Source: Manhattan Strategy Group for the U.S. Department of Labor, October 2016

Community Tool Box: Developing an Evaluation Plan WEBSITE

This webpage outlines four steps for developing an evaluation: clarifying program objectives and goals, developing evaluation questions, developing evaluation methods, and setting up a timeline for evaluation activities. It includes links to relevant tools and resources for each step, as well as example charts and templates for documenting program components, evaluation questions, and timeline (see Tools 2–4 on the "Tools" tab).

Source: Center for Community Health and Development, University of Kansas, n.d.

Evaluation Plan Workbook WORD

This workbook describes a process for identifying evaluation questions, indicators, and data collection methods. It includes templates at the end for implementation and outcomes evaluation plans.

Source: Innovation Network, Inc., 2010
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Continuous Communication

"Frequent communications over a long period of time among key players within and between organizations, to build trust and encourage ongoing learning and adaptation."

- What is Collective Impact, Collective Impact Forum/FSG, 2014


Below are the activities that support this condition. Click on an activity name to view tools that will help with implementation.

Construction r2p Partnership Toolkit: Section 4 – Actively Invest in Group Dynamics PDF

Section 4 of this partnership toolkit offers activities to help partnerships strengthen their group dynamics, communicate effectively, and keep partners engaged. Subsection 4.4 offers different communication methods, tips, and a tool for creating a partnership directory.

Source: The Center for Construction Research and Training, 2015

Partnerships: Frameworks for Working Together PDF

This guidebook describes the steps to establish and maintain partnerships. It includes guidelines and checklists for designing an open, honest communication structure; creating partnership norms; and using technology for online collaboration and information dissemination.

Source: CCF National Resource Center, 2010

Reentry Education Toolkit: Sustaining a Reentry Education Continuum – Creating Talking Points PDF

This page presents four steps for creating brief talking points that summarize the vision and rationale of an initiative for partners, funders, and policymakers.

Source: U.S. Department of Education, n.d.

Community Tool Box – Chapter 6: Communication to Promote Interest WEBSITE

This chapter provides guidelines on various aspects of community engagement, including developing a communication plan, drafting press releases, and creating promotional materials. It includes a communication plan checklist and planning spreadsheet.

Source: Source: Center for Community Health and Development, University of Kansas, n.d.

Community Engagement Toolkit PDF

This toolkit includes guidelines, research-based strategies, activities, and templates for creating a community engagement plan, including identifying the goal, strategy, target audience, and message. It also includes activities for mapping a partnership’s resources and filling gaps.

Source: FSG, 2017
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Backbone Support

"Ongoing support by independent, funded staff dedicated to the initiative, including guiding the initiative’s vision and strategy, supporting aligned activities, establishing shared measurement practices, building public will, advancing policy, and mobilizing funding. Backbone staff can all sit within a single organization, or they can have different roles housed in multiple organizations."

- How Do You Successfully Put Collective Impact into Action?, Sheri Brady and Jennifer Splansky Juster, 2016


Below are the activities that support this condition. Click on an activity name to view tools that will help with implementation.

Understanding the Value of Backbone Organizations in Collective Impact WEBSITE

This article describes the key reasons for a backbone organization. It also provides links to two additional resources. The first resource is an article, "Understanding the Value of Backbone Organizations in Collective Impact," which describes a collective impact model. The second resource, "Backbone Effectiveness: 27 Indicators," is a one-page document that outlines the outcomes of an effective backbone organization.

Source: Shiloh Turner, Kathy Merchant, John Kania, and Ellen Martin, Stanford Social Innovation Review, July 2012

Backbone Starter Guide: A Summary of Major Resources about the Backbone from FSG and the Collective Impact Forum PDF

This 22-page guide describes the rationale, purpose, and functions of a backbone organization, the types of organizations that can serve as the backbone, and the process for selecting backbone support. It also includes a chapter on the importance of securing funding to sustain an initiative’s backbone.

Source: FSG, n.d.

Backbone Toolkit WEBSITE

This toolkit includes a list of sample backbone activities (e.g., accountability, knowledge sharing, coordination, management, and fundraising), a working group meeting planning and execution checklist, a sample request for proposals for a backbone organization, and sample backbone position descriptions.

Source: FSG, n.d.
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Steering Committee Toolkit WEBSITE

This toolkit includes a guide for identifying steering committee members, a description of steering committee responsibilities, a steering committee governance agreement, sample steer committee agendas, and discussion guides.

Source: FSG, n.d.
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Working Groups Toolkit WEBSITE

This toolkit includes a description of working group member responsibilities; working group meeting planning and execution steps; a working group meeting agenda and notes template; a working group meeting debrief template; a template for working group co-chair roles, responsibilities, and planning; an action planning template; and sample instructions for the development of indicators.

Source: FSG, n.d.
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A Framework for Evidence-Based Decision Making in Local Criminal Justice Systems WEBSITE

This website offers guidelines, activities, and examples for different decision-making approaches.

Source: National Institute of Corrections, 2019

The Role of Facilitators and Staff in Supporting Collaborative Teams PDF

This brief article outlines the skills, characteristics, roles, and responsibilities of team facilitators and staff.

Source: Leilah Gilligan and Madeline M. Carter, 2006
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"It is no longer enough to fund an innovative solution created by a single nonprofit or to build that organization's capacity. Instead, funders must help create and sustain the collective processes, measurement reporting systems, and community leadership that enable cross-sector coalitions to arise and thrive."

– Collective Impact in Stanford Social Innovation Review, John Kania and Mark Kramer, 2011, p. 41


Below are the activities that support this condition. Click on an activity name to view tools that will help with implementation.

Better Use of Community Resources WEBSITE

This webpage provides a brief list of community resources that can be leveraged to support an education initiative.

Source: U.S. Department of Education, n.d.

Funding Your Collective Impact Effort: The Basics PDF

This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of fundraising for an initiative and 11 potential revenue streams.

Source: Emily Jensen, The Forum for Youth Investment, 2014

Pay for Success WEBSITE

This website serves as the central resource for the pay-for-success model. It provides an overview of the model, project examples, funding opportunities, publications, and tools.

Source: Nonprofit Finance Fund, n.d.
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U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance: Funding and Awards WEBSITE

This webpage provides a searchable list of funding opportunities available through the Bureau of Justice Assistance.

Source: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance, n.d.

This federal website includes a grants learning center, a searchable federal grants database, application instructions and resources, and other helpful resources.

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This website includes a searchable philanthropic grants database; a list of training opportunities; a funding information network of libraries, community foundations, and other nonprofit resource centers; and other resources to support grant seekers.

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Reentry Education Toolkit: Sustainability Assessment and Tracking Sheet PDF

This nine-page tool offers a template for identifying priorities and corresponding strategies for sustaining the Reentry Education Framework, which could be adapted as a sustainability plan for other partnership initiatives.

Source: U.S. Department of Education, n.d.

Sustaining Improved Outcomes: A Toolkit PDF

A comprehensive toolkit that describes 12 key considerations for sustaining successful programs and includes sustainability assessment and planning worksheets.

Source: Scott Thomas and Deborah Zahn, 2010
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