DATE sponsors annual Data Quality Institutes (DQI's) to help states develop and implement data systems that yield valid, reliable, and complete data on students who enroll in career and technical education programs.
2024 marked a pivotal moment in the implementation the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins V) as States had the option of submitting new four-year State plans or making minor or substantial revisions to existing plans laying out a vision, goals, and accountability metrics for their career and technical education (CTE) delivery systems. To support states in the implementation of their revised or new plans, the Division of Academic and Technical Education (DATE), in the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), hosted its annual Data Quality Institute (DQI) from September 10-12, 2024, in-person at the U.S. Department of Education - 550 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20024.
The 2024 DQI – Supporting the Next Phase of Perkins Implementation - focused on key data-related topics States are currently addressing and provided participants with an opportunity to learn from their counterparts throughout the country.
The three-day event kicked-off with a half-day “Perkins 101” session targeted for new State Directors and CTE staff (or others wanting a ‘refresher’). On day two, participants learned strategies to strengthen data collections systems and analysis and about actions aimed at ensuring data accuracy, reliability, and validity. Specifically, focused on helping States gain access to the State Wage Interchange System (SWIS) to collect post-program employment data for CTE concentrators. Day three provided participants with an opportunity to share strategies related to data for special populations and indicators of performance that are most difficult to collect and report on. Throughout the event, participants heard remarks from OCTAE leadership including Assistant Secretary Loyd and Deputy Assistant Secretary Rhine.
Final materials from the meeting can be found below.
In lieu of an in-person 2023 Data Quality Institute (DQI) the Division of Academic and Technical Education (DATE) in the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) hosted a virtual All States Meeting and Collaborative Convenings series to support states as they plan for accountability in fiscal year (FY) 2024 Perkins state plans. The series began with an All States Meeting focused on ensuring that all participants have a full understanding of the requirements in preparing for accountability in FY 2024 Perkins state plan submissions. Each state was also invited to one of four Collaborative Convenings which grouped states by Perkins grant award size so participants could dig more deeply into the process of developing State determined performance levels (SDPLs) for FY 2024 and beyond while learning from similarly situated states.
Final materials from the meetings can be found below.
Submission of states’ most recent Consolidated Annual Reports (CARs) included career and technical education (CTE) participant and concentrator enrollment data and, for the first time under Perkins V, performance data for CTE concentrators on the core indicators of performance. State CTE leaders, policy makers, and practitioners are now equipped with robust data that can inform targeting of resources, policy changes, and programmatic adjustments to ensure equitable access and outcomes for CTE students. To support states in this regard, the Division of Academic and Technical Education (DATE), in the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), is hosting its annual Data Quality Institute (DQI) from November 2nd through 4th, 2022, in-person at the U.S. Department of Education in Washington, DC.
The 2022 DQI - Identifying and Addressing Equity Gaps in CTE - focused on key topics states are currently addressing and provided participants with an opportunity to learn from their counterparts throughout the country.
The three-day event kicked-off with a half-day “Perkins 101” session targeted for new State Directors and CTE staff (or others wanting a ‘refresher’). On day two, participants learned strategies to strengthen data collections systems and analysis and about programs aimed at ensuring equitable outcomes for students with respect to the Perkins V program quality indicators. Day three provided participants with an opportunity to dive deeply into state-level enrollment data to identify potential gaps in access to CTE. Throughout the event, participants heard remarks from OCTAE leadership including Assistant Secretary Loyd and Deputy Assistant Secretary Rhine.
Final materials from the meeting can be found below.
Section 134(c)(1)(B) of Perkins V requires that prior to the 3rd program year under the act, beginning July 1, 2022, local recipients must update their comprehensive local needs assessments (CLNAs) and include the results of those assessments in their local applications for funding. Especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic that has dramatically reshaped the labor market, states have many questions about how to best support their local recipients in gathering and analyzing the labor market and educational data that must be considered when crafting a high-quality CLNA. To help states navigate through these questions, the Division of Academic and Technical Education (DATE), which is part of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), is hosting its annual Data Quality Institute (DQI) via a series of virtual meetings to be held throughout October 2021.
The 2021 DQI virtual series – Supporting the Use of Data in CLNAs – will focus on key topics states are currently addressing and will provide participants an opportunity to learn from their counterparts throughout the country.
The five-session series will kick-off with a “Perkins Accountability and Fiscal 101” session targeted for new CTE staff (or others wanting a ‘refresher’). This session will be followed by a “Connect” session designed to provide context for the three-session series that follows. During this session we will also highlight additional technical assistance opportunities that will occur throughout the Fall of 2021 and hear from OCTAE leadership about the administration’s priorities. Finally, we will host three CLNA-focused sessions centered on Data-Driven Decision Making, Using Labor Force Data, and conducting Equity Gap Analysis. All sessions are open to State Directors, and/or to a CTE staff member that the State Director signs-up (no more than two representatives per state).
OCTAE has supported customized technical assistance to states addressing a new and often challenging aspect of the CLNA process – the effective use of labor force and other data in programmatic decisions. This module summarizes the technical assistance findings and consolidates much of the information and resources shared during this year’s DQI.
Supporting the Use of Data in Comprehensive Local Needs Assessments (PDF, 3.70 MB)
The video recordings and materials can be found below
Data Quality Institute - Perkins 101
Data Quality Institute - Connect Session
Data Quality Institute - Session 1: Data-Driven Decision Making
Data Quality Institute - Session 2: Using Labor Force Data
Data Quality Institute - Session 3: Equity Gap Analysis
With Perkins V plans submitted, many states now have questions on how to operationalize the plans, particularly with impacts that COVID-19 poses. To help states navigate through these questions, the annual Data Quality Institute (DQI) was converted to a virtual series of meetings to be held between August and November 2020. Hosted by the Division of Academic and Technical Education (DATE), which is part of the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), the DQIs provide state career and technical education (CTE) leaders an opportunity to share information and strategies, and to tackle common challenges in using data to improve student and program outcomes.
The 2020 DQI virtual series—Operationalizing Perkins V while Coping with COVID-19— focused on key CTE topics states were addressing. The eight session series kicked-off with a “Connect” session designed to enable State CTE Directors (or their delegates) to share lessons learned and innovative strategies developed during the Perkins V plan development and to discuss impacts of COVID on implementing plans. The kick-off was followed by a “Perkins V: Accountability 101” session targeted for new CTE staff (or others wanting a ‘refresher’), and five “Learn” sessions that focused on specific topics of interest. Finally, a concluding “Report/Plan” session was facilitated for State CTE Directors (or their delegates) to continue to discuss key themes of the “Learn” sessions and other topics of interest
To access recordings and materials from the series, visit 2020 Data Quality Institute Virtual Series.
The 2019 Fall Data Quality Institute (DQI) was held on November 13-14, 2019, at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Baltimore – BWI Airport. Hosted by the Division of Academic and Technical Education, part of the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education, the DQI provides state career and technical education (CTE) leaders an opportunity to share information and strategies, and to tackle common challenges in using data to improve student and program outcomes.
The theme of the 2019 Fall DQI—The Journey Continues: Making the Transition to Full Implementation of Perkins V—built on the DQI held in February 2019 and the meeting focused on helping state CTE leaders shift from planning for Perkins V to implementing their new state plans and legislative requirements. Final materials from the meeting can be found below.
The 2019 Data Quality Institute (DQI) was held on February 12-13, 2019, at the Potomac Center Plaza in Washington, DC. Hosted by the Division of Academic and Technical Education, part of the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education, the DQI provides state career and technical education (CTE) leaders an opportunity to share information and strategies, and to tackle common challenges in using data to improve student and program outcomes. With the recent reauthorization of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV), the theme of the 2019 DQI—A New Journey Begins: Implementing the Accountability Provisions in Perkins V—focused on helping state CTE leaders transition to the new requirements outlined in the legislation. More information, including the final agenda, copies of the presentations, and links to video recordings of a few sessions, can be found below.
The 2019 DQI agenda focused on preparing states for implementing Perkins V. It included interactive sessions on general topics of interest, collaboration sessions to network and discuss common challenges, and breakout sessions on more specific topics.
Copies of the 2019 DQI presentations can be downloaded using the links below.
*The Department of Education strives to make all content accessible to everyone. While this document does not currently meet the standards of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, OCTAE is working to create an accessible version. If you need access to this content before the accessible version is available, please contact the Information Technology Accessibility Program Help Desk at to help facilitate.
Jose Figueroa
(202) 987-1397