Use of ARP Funds for Career Pathways 2022 (PDF, 401 KB)
Robin Utz
(202) 245-7767
Fundamentally, a Career Pathways System is about the coordination of people and resources. Within education, this includes aligning our country's K–12 and postsecondary education systems and, in particular, the career and technical education services provided within and across program providers. This section provides information about career pathways generally and strategies to support career and technical education students in acquiring the academic, employability, and technical skills that employers demand.
In April 2012, the U.S. Departments of Labor, Education, and Health and Human Services formed a Federal partnership and issued a letter of joint commitment to promote the use of career pathways to assist youth and adults with acquiring marketable skills and industry-recognized credentials through better alignment of education, training and employment, and human and social services among public agencies and with employers. In 2013, the U.S. Department of Transportation joined the partnership to advance career pathways in response to the anticipated hiring needs in the transportation sector. Today, our Federal partnership has grown to include the agencies that are part of the Administration’s Skills Working Group (Working Group). This group, launched in November 2014, maintains momentum for the Administration’s Job-Driven Training Initiative, which seeks to assure that youth and adults completing our education and training programs have the skills businesses need. The Working Group comprises the White House National Economic Council, the Office of Management and Budget, and thirteen Federal agencies, including: the U. S. Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Justice, Labor, the Social Security Administration, Transportation, and Veterans Affairs (the Departments). The Working Group coordinates activities across these various agencies, including efforts to ensure that career pathways are available to all individuals, especially our nation’s low-skilled youth and adults, many of whom are already in the workplace. In an effort to meet the demand for a skilled workforce, the Departments of the expanded Federal partnership have consistently articulated the need for increasing the skills of American workers, including adults and youth with disabilities, and invested in education and training as an economic and business imperative.
Career pathways can offer an efficient and customer-centered approach to training and education by connecting the necessary adult basic education, occupational training, postsecondary education, career and academic advising, and supportive services for students to prepare for, obtain, and progress in a career.
The newly-enacted Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014 includes an updated definition and overarching framework for the implementation of career pathways at Federal, State, local, and tribal levels. WIOA defines a career pathway as “a combination of rigorous and high-quality education, training, and other services that:
The Departments encourage State, local, and tribal policymakers to use these elements to promote alignment among their public workforce, education, and social and human services systems. At the same time, the Departments continue to take steps to incorporate career pathways approaches into a wide range of program investments, evaluation and research activities, and technical assistance efforts.
Download the 2022 Dear Colleague Letter Regarding Use of American Rescue Plan Funds for Career Pathway (PDF, 401 KB)
Download the 2016 Career Pathways Joint Letter (PDF, 394 KB)
As Career Pathways Systems for adults have been evolving and maturing, a parallel effort has taken shape in career and technical education. The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) requires eligible providers to offer at least one career and technical education program of study—a comprehensive, structured approach for delivering academic and career and technical education to prepare students for postsecondary education and career success.
Career and technical education practitioners view the following 10 supporting components* as essential for creating and implementing high quality, comprehensive career and technical education programs of study.
Strong career and technical education programs of study result from coordination across state, local, and stakeholder agencies. Development of career and technical education programs of study includes analysis of current labor market information to determine which career and technical education program of study will truly result in high demand jobs, input from stakeholders that is genuine and sustained, and funds dedicated to both initial development of career and technical education programs of study, as well as sustenance through curriculum development and business and education input. Legislation and policies at the state and local level should mandate, support, and encourage such practices. Federal, state, and local legislation or administrative policies promote career and technical education programs of study development and implementation.
Effective legislation and policies should
Ongoing relationships among education, business, and other community stakeholders are central to career and technical education programs of study design, implementation, and maintenance.
Collaborative partnerships should
Sustained, intensive, and focused opportunities for administrators, teachers, and faculty foster career and technical education programs of study design, implementation, and maintenance.
Effective professional development should
Systems and strategies to gather quantitative and qualitative data on both career and technical education programs of study components and student outcomes are crucial for ongoing efforts to develop and implement career and technical education programs of study.
Well-designed accountability and evaluation systems should
Content standards that define what students are expected to know and be able to do in order to enter and advance in college and/or their careers comprise the foundation of a career and technical education programs of study.
Rigorous college and career readiness standards should
Non-duplicative sequences of secondary and postsecondary courses within a career and technical education program of study ensure that students transition to postsecondary education without duplicating classes or requiring remedial coursework.
Well-developed course sequences should
Credit transfer agreements provide opportunities for secondary students to be awarded transcripted postsecondary credit at the time the credit is earned and are supported by formal agreements between secondary and postsecondary education systems.
Well-developed credit transfer agreements
Guidance counseling and academic advisement help students to make informed decisions about which career and technical education programs of study to pursue.
Comprehensive guidance counseling and academic advisement systems
Innovative and creative instructional approaches enable teachers to integrate academic and technical instruction, and enable students to apply academic and technical learning in their career and technical education programs of study coursework.
Effective teaching and learning strategies should
National, state, and/or local assessments provide ongoing information on the extent to which students are attaining the necessary knowledge and skills for entry into and advancement in postsecondary education and careers in their chosen career and technical education programs of study.
Well-developed technical skills assessments
* See the relationship between programs of study requirements and the framework supporting components.
The crosswalk below highlights the alignment between the definitional frameworks developed for Career Pathways Systems and career and technical education programs of study and provides links to integration strategies— most taken from state efforts around the country— that are proving effective in the design, delivery, and diffusion of a better aligned system engaging both career pathways and career and technical education programs of study.
Six Key Elements of Career Pathways |
Career and technical education programs of study 10 Essential Components |
Common Features | Integration Strategies |
(5) College and Career Readiness Standards (7) Credit Transfer Agreements (8) Guidance Counseling and Academic Advising (9) Teaching and Learning Strategies |
Successful efforts to integrate career and technical education programs of study with Career Pathways Systems requires a commitment from multiple partners to working together toward greater transparency, alignment, and systemic change. The Integrated Career Pathways Model below shows how a comprehensive Career Pathways System can serve both high school age youth, as well as adults, and promote collaboration, alignment, and cross-system development of structured pathways into and through postsecondary credential programs.
Explore resources to find information on program development, implementation, and scale-up efforts. Some of these resources are Government-created, while others are taken from a variety of federally-funded grants and contracts.